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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  April 15, 2023 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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better days ahead in san francisco. that reminds me too san francisco democrats just pick to chicago for their convention next year. the tope a year from now chicago is actually open for business too. space except this week show thanks to my panel and of course to all of you for watching. i am a paul gigot. we'll see right here next week. before we are learning more about the 24 old massachusetts errant national guardsmen whose accused of leaking a trove of sensitive and highly classified material online. experts today say he has harmed national security of the united states by allegedly doing so hello welcome to "fox news live" i am eric sean. hi arthel. liz: hi eric hello everyone i am arthel neville. jack teixeira it made his first appearance in federal court in boston yesterday. he faces to federal charges including unauthorized retention
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and transmission of classified national defense information. that could carry a 15 year prison sentence. his father shouting quote i love you to his son during the hearing. lawmakers demanding answers to how he had access to such sensitive files. teixeira share them with a video game chat group before the spill that wider and social media. former director of national intelligence john ratcliff telling fox earlier this case is not like other high profile intel leaks. >> week ultimately ended up with the kinds of abuses that we saw with edward snowden and bradley manning using wiki leaks. jack teixeira is a very different situation for its individual initially thought it was as few as 50 documents taken one at a time from a classified facility. insider threats program is not really designed for that type of person who is not even trying to
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share that information publicly as the others were through wiki leaks. if our president by just back from his trip to ireland says he too wants to know how this happened and why there were not safeguards apparently. lucas tomlinson's live on the white house lawn very troubling case. >> president biden spoke about the case before leaving ireland. he did not appear to concerned. >> i have instructed the department to make sure they get to the roots of why he had access in the first place, number one. number two, to focus extensively on the extent to which all occurred. >> now more of teixeira's leaks of highly classified information have been discovered. "washington post" taiwan will likely stop an invasion because beijing missiles superiority but china's use of civilian transport ships for military purposes which have eroded u.s. spy agency's ability to detect a potential pending invasion.
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mib too much for american attack submarines to for sink in fact with the post reporting intelligence agencies were up to four additional's bible and in addition to the 4000-pound massive chinese spy craft that made it legally long odyssey across united states before being shot down on your show. including over u.s. air carrier in the western pacific another crash in the south china sea allegedly. now over a million americans have a top siegel secret clearance. how many in addition to the leaguer had access to the military secret joint worldwide intelligence communications system better known. how that information is secured but lawmakers from both parties are file and trent fired up over this lake with closely guarded secrets. >> too many people have access to this information. this was again very embarrassing for the united states. it was not helpful to our allies around the world. so need to put a stop to it. quite simply the pentagon is going to be in the hot seat in congress. they're going to have to answer
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to how this breakdown occurred. >> congress is back in session next week and teixeira makes his next court appearance on wednesday. so far right thank you so much. arthel? arthel: thank you for monitoring and cybersecurity expert morgan rights through the former state department senior advisor who taught the fbi how to conduct internet investigations. currently chief security advisor for sentinel one. a multibillion-dollar cybersecurity company. so, morgan, we are going to get y to teixeira had access. but first, what is the damage? and what could russia do with the intel that was leaked? books first of all it let's them know serious things like sources and methods. a lot of those disclose headers like talent keyhole are spy satellites whether it was a human source. whether it came from other partners. really gives them an idea of how we are collecting this
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information. one of the most dangerous things is the human collection system. and that is something that talks about the people we have on the ground or other countries have on the ground, most likely s getting this information print really imperils the people. if you can figure out the type of information you can figure out who was there you may be able to put a face to this identity. the five and a case like this would we be pulling those people out immediately? or would that be a dead giveaway though? >> that is something i do not want to discuss. the cia will probably most likely have a lot of assets on the ground there. it's going to be the call from than they need to know had they been compromised? is there something serious about that? russia quite frankly is more in the plate right now were they like to do that but they are in very serious situation right now. i think that's a priority but not a top one. i'm going to back to rush and a second period meanwhile how much damage has been done to our allies trust in the u.s.?
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>> look, here we go again. we are disclosing information that people share with us. we have a consortium called the five allies where we share information freely without restriction on a lot of things. but other countries are very hesitant to give stuff it's going to get make them more hesitant. which means we can collect anything we just cannot collect everything and be everywhere. we rely on partnerships whether israel, whether it's germany, whether to name the country. we have to be able to collect this information for the more people sam afraid to give this to you because it's going to end up in the news, it's going to end up in a leak, it's going to hamper our efforts to better job of green these intelligence products that are war fighters that are intelligence officers rely on. if i meanwhile ukraine is in a hot war. staving off pollutants unless army of soldiers. does this leaks intel put ukraine in jeopardy? >> you know, it could. it definitely starts exposing. if you have a really good sense
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of what's going on, on the ground the lay of the land of the battle space looks like you start understanding where ukraine has their forces, russia could realize we fought this but it's actually this. they could start repositioning forces. come up with different strategies. they might know but the fact this is leaked out there they have a map. but they also give mrs. our assessment of their status. our assessment where their armor is, or the aircraft is at. i really put ukraine at a significant disadvantage for you always on the element of surprise for you to create diversions and use deception. this is going to eliminate a lot of the tactical advantage on the battlefield. the five what is going on at the d.o.j.? this type of top security intel is so vulnerable. how can the u.s. recover from these latest leaks? it's not the first time. how does this keep happening? >> i want to dispel one thing. they talk about the age of the airmen who did this.
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age is not what was vulnerable here. james was 47 i believe robert hanson was 51. we have a lot of people up and traitors to the u.s. it's not so much the age. it's the access in the early part of the reporting a million people have access. when i was on programs are working with things were highly restricted you cannot teach character pretty could not teach morals. they got a huge problem in terms of restricting. probably as is if you restricted too much you impede the actual purpose which is to share it with people who have demonstrated they pass the background. they have need to know but more important or they have a right to know. tim got to have the right to know before you can demonstrate need to know. they need to do their job is going to be very difficult it's not something easily solved one of things they can do let's start shrinking the number of people who have access to this and let start being more vigilant about the people who do have access to make sure they demonstrated those things. this problem, we have tried to
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solve it i worked on it 20 years ago after 911 and we are still working on it. if i was less and you said someone was in my ear the very last thing he said after 911? >> we have been working on this. after 911 i was working in the d.o.j., dhs consolidation, with and work on this 20 years to try to figure how do a better job of sharing intelligence but protecting it. twenty years later i don't know any better off. i've got to fix it. to your point the reason i did not ask about the age because in this case age does not matter. i agree with you. i'm glad you confirmed what i thought. i do have to go i expect appreciate your expertise thank you very much sir, take care. stay for arthel we are not learning about the suspect accused of killing cash app founder bob lee pretty argued in the victim and the hours leading up to the deadly stabbing attack
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the newly released court documents in san francisco the argument was about the suspects sister for the new information came momeni charged with murder made his first court appearance yesterday. jeff appalled lie with with the very latest in this developing story. >> is more time goes by, more layers keep unraveling but investigators are starting to do that. what's turning into a very complicated murder case not only involving the tech world but now we are learning the suspect in keller's family. the new details surfaced the same day suspect momeni at first appearance in court wearing an orange jumpsuit. momeni did not enter a plea but will be held without bail. more documents allege a suspect planned the attack and it was all over in an apparent dispute involving momeni sister. the early morning hours of the murder they say momeni and lee left the momentum tower that is where momeni sister and husband live. investigators believe momeni lead lead to a secluded spot and stabbed them three times
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including one to the heart and left him to die. but this is a person who was in his vehicle with a kitchen knife you predestined something most of us carry around at all times with us. and so this is something he intended to do. >> police and they did recover a four and a blade at. he did not say much in court his family was sitting there basically in the front row including his sister. they did not want to speak to reporters after that court appearance. his defense attorney did make a very short comment. >> he had friends and family here in support. the facts as to what occurred or did not occur will come out. >> momeni faces a first-degree murder charge and eric, if he is convicted he could spend anywhere from 26 years, to life in prison for he will be arraigned just 10 days from now. so far right jeff, thank you.
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arthel? arthel: the republican-led house judiciary committee is coming to new york city. told eighth field hearing on violent karma policy of district attorney alvin bragg witnesses will include josé the bronx clerk charged with murder after defending himself against a violent attacker last year. another witness, jennifer harrison, a victim's right new york will join us in a moment first going to cb cotton she is near the new york city newsroom with what you expected at monday's hearing. >> arthel, good afternoon. house judiciary committee field hearing under the crime is expected to set the stage for house gop members to criticize in question the credibility of manhattan d.a. alvin bragg and his policies. all begins monday with testimony from a least six witnesses including joseph morgan a jewish man was beaten may 2021 in midtown as he walked to attend a pro-israel rally. break came under scrutiny for offering one of the defendants a six month plea deal about a year
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end half later. monday's field hearing by the gop led committee is the latest criticism against bragg's since the das criminal proceedings at ultimate grand jury indictment against former president donald trump. trump pleaded not guilty to 34 felony counts of falsifying business records related to hush money payments. this past tuesday d.a. bragg filed a federal lawsuit against house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan alleging the republican lawmaker is trying to wage a campaign of intimidation over his prosecution of the former president. bragg is asking a judge to invalidate subpoenas jordan has her plans to issue is part of an investigation into bragg's handling of the trump case. friday come on news jordan studies undeterred. >> everything is on the table because we think we owe it to the american people. when you have a district attorney interfering in the most important federal election we
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have any as federal tax dollars as part of his indictment of the former president, we think it is incumbent upon us to do the investigation that we are committed to doing frequency response of house judiciary committee mende field hearing about crime, the das office pointed to statistics showing some violent crime in manhattan has dropped since bragg took office in january 2022, arthel. arthel: cb cotton, thank you. eric: but could come from these hearings and could they lead to new tougher crime legislation in new york state because of them cost them a clustering jennifer harrison she's victims rights advocate founder of the group victims rights new york and will testify monday's hearing. jennifer, always good to see y you. first what you expect to hear on monday at the hearing and what do you want to hear about crime at the session? >> i'm not really sure what to expect there's all kinds of protest being organized which is pretty sad. i would like to say first alvin
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bragg's claims crime has gone down is absolute reprehensible. first year in office violent crime went up 11.73% rate in manhattan only one precinct the murder rate went up by 40% and rape was up by 12%. we also hear reach a threshold of 100 murders during his tenure faster than any other d.a. on the record. so, this is nothing for him to be bragging about and would like to bring attention to the back is not doing his job. paul: use a protest when you talking about? >> i was notified through text message an anti- gun violence group is gathering to advocate for gun legislation and in protest of us testament which i completely do not understand read the whole reason we are going to testify on monday is to bring attention to the fact that alvin bragg is not enforcing gun laws in new york. as well as other crimes.
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eric: what do you expect, what do you want to say would you take the witness position? >> i am going to speak on behalf of victims who are unable to speak for themselves for it as a victim myself as you know my boyfriend was murdered in 2005 produced three killers got away with it. there is a sweetheart plea deal 18 years later i am still not whole and i never will be. i want to speak on behalf of victims that have current cases in alvin bragg's officer had cases that were dismissed that are scared to speak publicly because of retaliation either from their attackers to the das office. and i just want to shed light on the fact alvin bragg is telling us he does not have the resources to prosecute very violent cases but then he has the resources to spend somewhere around $200 million on one day to indict a president, a former president. when a lot of other people are saying these charges are questionable. if we don't know this
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200 million we do not know the true cost of that investigation. he would say there's evidence president trump broke the law. he is also suing jim jordan as the chairman of the committee for there are those who say the very idea of holding this committee of mr. jordan and the committee coming to new york is in fact political against bragg. both you say against those types of charges? >> it's not. when i d.a. weapon isis and makes an office political there is oversight required. we are just trying to bring two lights the double standard of justice and the travesties that are happening on a daily basis. this is not political at all for me. i've been calling alvin bragg out since his infamous day one memo on your show up multiple times. as soon as he issued the day one memo, almost immediately. eric: expended day one memo at reduced felonies and misdemeanors and like shoplifting for example did not even prosecutors under certain
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amount? >> he should've just written a letter to the gang leaders and let them know they had impunity in manhattan is not going to prosecute cases for e-cigs isolate what it came down too. for him to all the setting get on tv and grandstand essay does not want to normalize serious crime in new york it is laughable it wasn't so inherently sad because the people getting hurt from it. eric: do you see in terms of the criminal justice system in your experience with those you deal with, do you think the system is in a sense slanted against the victims for the criminals and those accused? >> it is always been slanted against the victims. and to protect the accused. and oh way i kind of understand why. we have gone so far to the extreme but all compassion and empathy has been placed on those intentionally inflicting harm on others. people are trying to erase victims in the story altogether especially alvin bradbury that soy victims have been treated in
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his office were going to testify to on monday. eric: let me show you statistics on crime the sweeper crime last week versus a year ago it is kind of mixed fruit he had murdered down 12.5%, rape is up. burglary down 27%. take a look at this 199330 plus years ago since the height of those days 80% down, murder, robbery 80% down rate cut by half, burglary 85% it was really high at the peak of the crack epidemic in the late '80s and early 90s and guess what happened, rudy giuliani was elected mayor of new york and instituted new crime laws. you think new york city new york state is that in terms of bail reform and what was seen recently here in new york? >> we do. the problem is with all of the social justice initiatives that we have seen implemented, not
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just here in new york but across the country it has increased capacity and crime. they are enabling drug use went to the think is going to happen when these criminals whose drug addicts cannot afford their drugs that they are letting them use? so yes it is all related it's going downhill very fast. maybe we are not back to where we were dead. one preventable victim, one preventable loss of life is one too many and waiting to make changes now. before jennifer harris victims rights new york was so your website there is, you talk about bail reform, the justice initiatives and you have a victims rights reform agenda. anyone watching would like to get more information go to victims rights new york the website and jennifer will be testifying on monday i will follow that of course for jennifer harris and a victims rights, thank you for a quick thank you eric.
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eric, a top official former president trump cabinet has decided not to run against his old boss in 2024. rhonda sanchez speech in the crucial primary state of new hampshire hit some turbulence. we will explain for that's all coming up next on "fox newson orlive". to me is knowing that i can be free to do the things that i love to do. i hope when i retire someday, they say, that guy made this place a special place to come to school and gave as much as he could to help the community. ♪ when you put on that perfect pair of glasses and you feel like you can take on the world? everyone deserves that feeling. feeling like a million bucks doesn't have to cost as much. it's why every pair of privé revaux frames
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before abortion right protesters are holding rallies across the country today. a day after the supreme court temporarily expanded access to a popular portion drug. the higher court causing a lower court ruling that restricted access to the pill that administrators state funds for this coming wednesday night. it does give the court more time to consider the justice department's appeal of that ruling for the federal texas judge in the lone star state. arthel. ask former secretary of state mike pompeo says he will not seek the republican nomination for president in 2024. pompeo broke the news yesterday on fox news telling bret baier he and his wife feel this is not their fault moment. meantime protesters rushed the stage florida governor ron
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desantis gave a speech in new hampshire. alexandria hoff has more. her former secretary of state mike pompeo will not be entering the race. he made that announcement last night on special report, watch it. we care deeply about america and the issues i've been talking to the last year end a half and frankly for decades matter and off a lot this is not our moment this is not the time for us to seek elected office requests pompeo said he made the decision with his wife adding he may not end up endorsing his former boss for president. earlier this month former arkansas governor asa hutchinson joint u.s. ambassador nikki haley and vivek ramaswamy and a rendered tender senator tim scott has exploratory this week with several attending the nra's commission is medical former president trump and his former vice president mike pence they're both headed to nashville as well for that we can start and see donut retreat to pre-new hampshire governor just going to
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be there as well he said today the indictment of president trump it fueled at least in the short-term request the guy is playing a victim card at this point and it is working to his political. but again it's so much to play there so much time for their's desantis or other chemistry get in, myself and others will get in really work talk to folks listen and earn up requests or governor desantis was speaking last night when this happened. >> you gotta have a little spice in the speech, right? you gotta have a little phone records for the security was able to grab the protesters before they reached desantis the governors not expected to announce and run for president until later this spring come arthel. >> alright alexandria hoff thank you very much should pretty handle that pretty well i have to say. and a reminder the first republican primary debate will be broadcast right here on fox news. it is scheduled for august in milwaukee so stay tuned for the exact date.
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steve artman while battle republican congressman george santos, he's starting early is expected to announce his reelection campaign on monday. that despite calls from congressional colleagues from both parties for him to resign. that is according to the "new york post" the paper reporting santos has spoken to big donors and thanks he can raise they say at least half a million dollars the next few months for his new campaign. santos is one of several republicans help flip the house seats in new york state help in the gop gained majority in the house. he is facing a federal investigation into his campaign finances and the house ethics investigation in several errors he has admitted lying about his work history in life all the way to the source of his campaign funds that got him elected to the house. arthel. arthel: eric, while enforcement in texas is stepping up border security after a large group of migrants recently tried to rush a bridge to get into the united states. we are at live in paso, that isy
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stapler flights and found that resume to fort lauderdale airport in florida. but travelers, they can still run into some issues reaching their destination. part of the airports north run white was under several feet of water. that just yesterday by the spokespersons that it has reopen for limited use. record rainfall shut down all operations at the airport starting on wednesday night. some arriving and departing from the airport have experienced delays and there have been cancellation since then. but it looked more like venice and fort lauderdale in florida because of all of that rain. if i will eric, we are less than a month away from the end of
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title 42 and a migrants already gathering and large numbers at the border. according to one report as many as 40000 are on the mexican side hoping to seek asylum in the u.s. senior correspondent ac signal is alive on the border in texas. so casey is 34 an exaggeration or is that how many people are lining up trying to get into our wonderful country? >> arthel beat numbers are difficult to nail down by the numbers or anywhere from 10,000 to 40000 big neat maximum for that's coming from intelligent sources on the mexican side. no doubt large groups for which is my border agents on the ground here on the u.s. side and el paso have been on pins and needles frankly the past couple of weeks has we lead up to title 42 which is on may 11 as we know because across the border again reports of up to 40000 migrants
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all waiting to enter the united states but we've also heard reports of unsanitary conditions over there. very little help as far as a migrants go and frustrations have been a mounting parade this past week our cameras have captured larger groups has 700 -- 1200 people illegally crossing and surrendering on the el paso side of the fence. agents say much of the recent frenzy is also being driven by cartel social media post. in other words false rumors that quickly spread online. all designed to push people further north. next line no there is some misinformation going out to the migrants from organizations, smugglers and other organizations in their home country and mexico. giving them misinformation about her immigration policies. >> meantime over eagle pass part of the del rio sector migrants encounters are up 26% of the
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first half of this fiscal year compared to the same time the year before. however a bulk of the activity has shifted further west with the el paso sector here now reporting 157% jump for the same period of time this year compared to last. we are talking about almost 225,000 migrants encounters in this one sector alone since october the first compared to 87000 for the same period of time here before. quite a big difference. >> oh boy, keeping it all together for us though, thank you. as always you are live at the border in el paso, texas thank you casey. >> solemn day in boston to mark 10 years since a deadly boston marathon bombings. wreaths were laid near the finish line for that's for the two brothers by islamic terror designated to
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homemade explosives back in 2013. several family members of the victim walked the racecourse to the wreath through three people were killed in this terrorist bombing and more than 250 others were injured. was killed shortly after the explosion when his brother accidentally ran over him while trying to flee from police. he was arrested after eight tenths for dayton man hansen. sentenced to death but has long been in a legal battle to try to avoid execution. thankfully 127th running of the boston marathon will take place on monday. arthel. >> eric, a legal battle looms between tiktok and montana as a state becomes the first to pass legislation to put a total ban on the app. we'll discuss this with china expert gordon chang. he is up next. 50% off?! that deal's so good we don't even need an eight-time all-star to tell you about it.
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if i've scary moments in japan after someone threw an explosive device towards prime minister. [background noises] was back that happened during a campaign event at a fishing port in western japan. panicked bystanders began running a smoke filled the air. thankfully nobody was hurt in the prime minister's chief cabinet secretary said a young man was arrested. this comes less than a year after the assassination of former japanese prime minister. also during a campaign speech, eric. before the family of imprisoned wall street journal reporter breaking their silence on his detention in russia on those espionage charges that they in the u.s. deny. his family says there were seven
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students report on the russian people despite the risk. life in london with the story. x hi eric, yes it is pretty worrying for the family evan was detained while reporting for the wall street journal and russia back on march 30 the 31-year-old has since been charged with spying by russian authorities for the wall street journal strongly denies this allegation for the u.s. government is called the charges ridiculous. evan's appearance have been speaking to the wall street journal about their son's case for the couple who originally themselves or from the former soviet union said they are keeping a positive despite the fears they have four hampered because evan is being held at this notorious moscow jail and faces 20 years inside potentially if he is convicted. u.s. officials also say there has been no access so far but
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something secretary of state antony blinken says russia must allow. evan is the first american arrested in russia on spying charges since the end of the cold war. president biden has also been in contact with the family and is evan's release. russia says there is no chance at this stage of any kind of prison exchange while that trial is pending so evan will remain in detention until the court date at the end of may, back to you eric. before we at fox news and other news organizations across the country call for evan's release, and kitty logan in london, kitty thank you. arthel? arthel: yes we do. montana has become the first state to completely ban tiktok. the state's house legislature approved a measure to bar the social media app in about a 54 -- 43 yesterday. the move comes amid concerns over chinese spying. tiktok is already promising a
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legal challenge saying quote the bills champion have admitted they have no feasible plan for operationalizing this attempt to censor american voices. the bill's constitutionality will be decided by the courts. we will continue to fight for tiktok users and creators in montana whose livelihoods and first amendment rights are threatened by this egregious government overreach we must bring in gordon chang. he is against a senior fellow and author of the coming collapse of china. also author of the great u.s. and china tech war. so gordon, is that government overreach or is tiktok a national security threat? how is trident using the app to harm our country? >> to national security threats emanate from tiktok. there is the spy we learn for the buzzfeed reporting of last year all of their assurances
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about data security or false defendant uses creates content to such as glorifying drug use, or russian disinformation on the ukraine war. there is a constitutional basis to bandit despite the first amendment concerns. this is going be fought out in the courts for a long time. but there are ways to deal tiktok that do not raise first amendment concerns such as the u.s. government could expropriate tiktok for instance. the event of the chinese communist regime is using tiktok to illegally steel and send it data to china, millions of americans are on tiktok and they are thinking what do i have to do with that? you tell us why they should c care. >> unites it should care because china is circulating information
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about americans to try to take down our society. for instance in 2020 radio creation reported beijing used tiktok to film of violence on american streets that's more than just a version that's an act of war. these are national security concerns that the u.s. has. if you are eight tiktok user and that is not a concern of yours you might think but nonetheless the president of the united states has an obligation to defend the u.s. from threats of foreign as well as domestic. arthel: so does the president of the united states, president biden have the power and authority to shut down the owner of tiktok? >> a president trump used his authority under the international emergency economic powers act of 1977. president biden were the first things he did in office was to reverse that band. but it was going to be decided by the courts. but then again, as i mentioned there are ways for the federal government to deal with tiktok the do not raise the first memo
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concerns. and i think we should be looking at those as well. arthel: future marketing congress evolved you know where that's going to go, nowhere. right? >> yes but not necessarily involve congress. this would be in executive order from the president which can be done. that does not involve congress. arthel: you mention that britt will see what president biden is going to do, we'll keep an eye out on that. meanwhile tiktok or no tiktok as the clock ticks the question is, is china preparing for war? boxer is no question about that. the fastest military buildup since the second world war. you have china trying to sanction proof the regime. most obviously receiving china mobilize civilians for war. xi jinping talks about war all the time. and so we should be listening to
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what he has been saying that more important we should be looking at what he is doing. and in fact he is getting china ready for battle. arthel: you are saying president biden has to watch china very closely, try to combat what they are doing, i'm not sure what that would involve what you think that's going to involve? and they should shut down tiktok in the meantime. but what about this impending war as you call it, refer to it there in china you're speaking of them going to invade taiwan is that what you're talking about gordon question mckay 3040 seconds. >> it's taiwan or japan or the philippines art could just be a dangerous intercept of an american plane in the global conflict. unites a sneeze to have a sense of emergency which we don't have us not just an oval office from its apartment the top reaches of the pentagon. i do not think they understand how fast china is moving.
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but quickly art removing assets closer in the region and getting positioned? >> are doing certain things. the pentagon believes if workers are basically saying that until 2027 at the latest. like 2035 there actually taking ships and planes out of service in order to pay for the force of the 2040s. they caused him to vest to invest. it's making ourselves less capable to do the challenges of today. i believe there is going to be conflict with china's not going to be the 2040s is going to be this decade. arthel: okay but we should not make the first move yes or no should we make the first move? what's no of course not. we need to defend ourselves. and clearly we should not be attacking first.always enjoyed . i will talk to you again soon i am sur.
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before elon it must use space rocket is ready for around the world test flight. starship could launch as early as monday morning after getting approval from the aviation federation. that came yesterday. musk says after the test like the ranch could launch satellites into orbit and eventually common in 100 people on a mission to mars, arthel. arthel: eric, check it out a manhunt is underway in pennsylvania for a diamond -- suspect accused of stealing $200,000 worth of diamonds from a truck in northeast philly thursday morning the police say thieves broke into an unmarked trailer in a walmart parking lot and made off with about
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2 million times. the driver told cops he supposed be driving those coins to florida but left the truck in the parking lot, went home to get some sleep. okay first of all how heavy 2 million dimes? how heavy is that number one. i was just an walmart thursday. i did not see any unmarked trailers are going to have to start looking that's a lot of money. stiffer how you convert 2 million dimes into money? arthel: this way do you go to the bank of multiple times you give it to the teller though put it through the little machine and counted out. a multiple times what you do you go back to walmart a different one of course put in one of those machines where they count your coins. i'm not a criminal i'm just saying that is what i would do. [laughter]at-h you when that trailer cosmic that's 10,000 pounds of dimes.
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